About me

Okaaay so yeah hi I guess this is my website blog thingy which is crazy to say considering I am about as inept at making this kinda thing as Will Byers is at getting a decent haircut but lets go I guess. That absolute model of a man’s name below is actually NOT idiot, although many people call me that, I’m actually called Will myself so yeah HI :))

I adore every piece of media you can see in the menu of this site, from film to book, and I wanted to share my thoughts online in hopes of maybe meeting some people who wanna overanalyse the living shit out of things with me because admit it, it’s honestly soooo fun to do.

I was born with a disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, chronic fatigue and other unknown very poopy things but the point is these things I wanna talk about are, besides my amazing friends, the only reason I am here writing this. If I can talk about something I love and convince somebody to try and experience that same piece of art then that’d be the coolest thing ever, so yeah I don’t know if anyone is gonna see this blog but if you do I’m always here to chat about films, books, games, life and ESPECIALLY the politcal and economic effect mini cheddar crisps have on the planet…duh